Wow, I can't believe it has taken me this long to post McKenzie's Big Girl Room. Things have definitely become a whole lot busier around our house within the past year. With Two Kiddos to chase after and a side business that exploded out of now where, it hasn't left me much time for anything else. Today though I decided to make time. I love looking back over this blog and seeing all the life that has happened since I launched back in 2012. McKenzie's room for one. This room has gone through several transitions - from crib, too toddler bed and now to her big girl loft bed. YIKES, where has the time gone? I swear it was yesterday I posted about this room as her
Today, I'm excited to share with you what so many have inquired about as they peek in via my instagram stories or facebook photos. Now mind you, there are A LOT of flaws that I just haven't taken care of, so this post isn't "PICTURE PERFECT". Lots of crooked wall frames, marker scribble on cushions and no fresh vacuum lines. This was the best I could do for today, I hope you'll forgive me lol! #REALIFE
I was, however, able to pick up all of McKenzie's toys so that you can actually see what we started with before her exciting Dino obsession began. Just picture this room covered in Dinosaurs and everything else that comes with them and that's what it normally looks like on a daily basis. Her love for prehistoric animals was definitely not something we imagined she would fall in love with but we have embraced her enthusiasm and have fallen in love with them too! I never thought I would know so much about dinosaurs and the time period from which they came from, I'm glad I can check that off my bucket list of things to learn about.
With further ado, Here is McKenzie's Big Girl Room. You will probably notice quite a few pieces that I held on to from her nursery, but that's why i loved her nursery so much. I planned on keeping a lot of the decor hoping it would transition nicely which it has for the most part. I hope you enjoy this little tour and it inspires you to create a bright and beautiful space for your little lady!
This Loft Bed was a DIY we found off craigslist. We painted it white and made a few adjustments. |
One thing about loft beds - they are tough to make up every day but totally worth it. |
Pardon the wrinkled sheets - this was a last minute adjustment ;) |
I LOVE throw pillows. They just bring softness to any space. The floral pillow above is from Laurel & Blush |
These bookcases are from Ikea that we painted white and the picture frames are various frames from Potter Barn. |
This area has become McKenzie's Favorite. Here she spends hours drawing her favorite dinosaurs and always has a story to tell about them. This Easel is from Ikea |
The Curtains were a DIY back when we first moved about 4.5 years ago. I had painted the chevrons since back then, this pattern was nowhere to be found on curtains. They've held up nicely! |
If you haven't been to an IKEA - GO! We found so many pieces that fit Mckenzie's growing interests and room! This desk is adjustable so it will grow with her which is so nice. |
The Billy Bookcases are from Ikea also. The bench in the middle is from Lowes. I painted the numbers on them as a part of McKenzie's nursery decor. They have held up pretty well! |
Pardon the spill stain and marker scribble on the cushion. This pillow and teddy bear set have been with us since before McKenzie was born - I love that they are still around :) |
These blocks were a DIY while I was pregnant with our girl. I ended up posting a tutorial a after we had her here. |
I love this print from Cheeky Albi Designs. The vintage map of Alaska is such a sweet touch since thats where McKenzie was born. |
One of McKenzie's Many Dinos Peeking Over! |
I had to share this little set-up. I removed it to take photos but thought it was too sweet not to share. This is a jar full of glow in the dark dinos that helps Kenzie fall asleep each night along with The Jesus Storybook Bible |
I hope you enjoyed our Girl's Room Tour! Feel free to share a link to yours in the comments below! I'm a big fan of deisgn inso!