Hi friends! I have been meaning to share this quick and easy DIY for some time now. I recently had a request from one of our church family members to create paper flowers for her granddaughter's 1st birthday! I decided there is no better time than the present to document every step and share it with you! :)
These are so easy to create and assemble, after making your first one, you will be able to create the rest blindfolded. They are such a sweet way to add a feminen touch to any special occasion without breaking the bank. Each Bloom is made out of cardstock paper! Follow the steps below for the easy How-To and please feel free to message me, if you have any questions or need further assistance!
What you need for One Bloom:
*9 Sheets of 8X10 Cardstock Paper (regular 60lb is fine)
*Petal Template
*Hot Glue Gun
Step 1:
*Fold your 8X10 paper in half. Trace your petal and cut out. This will give you two petals. Repeat this step two more times. This will give you 6 Large Petals Total
---->side note: If you would like a JUMBO flower, simply create a petal template using the full 8X10 sheet!
Step 2:
*You will also use this method to trace and cut your medium size petal template. This will give you 6 medium size petals
Step 3:
*For your small petal template. Cut your 8X10 in half. Then fold 5X7 piece in half. Trace your small petal template and cut. Repeat this step 2 more times, this will yeild 6 small petals.
Step 4:
*Once all of your petals are cut, cut a 1/2 inch slit from the bottom base of the petal.
Step 5:
*Use a pencil to roll the tips of your petal away from your body.
Step 6:
*Over lap your flap so that the tip of your petal is curled away from your body.
Step 7:
* Use your last sheet of paper to create the center of your flower. Simply fold your 8X10 paper lengthwise. Cut fringe along the folded side.
* Then use your pencil to roll the fringed paper into a tube shape.
Step 8:
* Combine your large petals to create your outer bloom by adhering them together creating a circle.
* Repeat with your medium and small size petals. Giving you Three layers of petal blooms.
Step 9:
* Glue your medium petal layer inside of your larger petal bloom
* Repeat with your smaller petal bloom, glueing it inside of your medium petal bloom
* Glue your Fringe "tube" as the center of your flower. I decided to add different colors (as pictured)
I hope this tutorial helped to spark your creative side and inspire you to add a little fun touch to your next special occasion! I would love to see your creations! Feel free to leave a link to your post or message me your attempts! :D
The sweet Birthday Girl!