
A Stunning Mommy & Me Beach Maternity Session By BNK Photography

Happy Friday Friends! Today I am leaving you with a stunning beach maternity session, incredibly captured by the wonderful BNK Photgraphy. Based out of Pittsburgh, Pa & South Florida, talented photographer Breanne chose a calm and natural setting for her client Vasiliki's maternity session to take place. She says, "We planned this shoot around natural colors, a beach setting(something Pittsburg lacks haha) and a place that would make her daughter feel more comfortable." This maternity session is extra special as big sister made an adorable appearance dressed in her beautiful beach best.  I love seeing photos of siblings listening in on their baby brother or sister with excitement. You can so see the love and excitement this sweet big sister and her mommy have toward their soon to be new addition. With this natural landscape setting the scene, Breanne was able to capture the true authentic nature of this stunning mommy in waiting in the most genuine and real way. These photos are an amazing depiction of the love and joy a mother and older sibling have toward each other as they await the special day that is soon to come. 

Source: BNK Photography


  1. Oh my. I cried, no, I'm still crying. This is absolutely beautiful. It makes me wonder about what it would be like to have another. Thanks for sharing these pictures. The photographer did awesome. What a beautiful family.

    1. Acsa isn't this photo session absolutely stunning? Breanne certainly brought this special moment in time to life on the screen in such a beautiful way!

  2. Love these although people really shouldn't look this glamorous pregnant. Just not fair!

    1. Right Rachel? I only wish I looked this breathtaking when my belly got this big :)


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