Hello Friends! I'm excited to share a little last minute celebration that my husband and I put together to celebrate our first baby, McKenzie turning the big 3! Since welcoming her baby brother into the world a month ago, our household has been turned upside down. A lot has been going besides the new newborn routine that takes some getting used to. I will catch you up on those details a little bit later, but for now it's all about our precious little threenager. I have to say I'm so proud of McKenzie and how wonderfully she has transitioned into her big sister role. I know having to share the attention with her little brother hasn't been the easiest, however she is handling it like a champ. I do have to give credit where credit it due though. We had multiple grand-parent visits back to back in which the overwhelming love and spoiling that was poured out on her definitely helped make up for the lack of one-on-one time she used to have with myself and my husband. We are so thankful for them stepping in at the perfect time.
Now onto Mckenzie's Big Celebration. Lately, she has been on a big Hello Kitty kick. Every time she sees anything Hello Kitty, her excitement level goes up a notch and if we do not make it out of the store with whatever Hello Kitty item she was fixated on, a mini melt down is sure to follow. So of course, a Hello Kitty theme birthday party was in order. With all of the postparttum complications I've been having lately, throwing a big celebration like last year was unfortunately not going to happen this year. I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I were to just skip it all together so I decided to just make it a small intimate family gathering with just me, my husband and her baby brother.
I didn't have the time (or the greatest of health for that matter) to go out and purchase a bunch of decorations - going simple was our only option. With Hello Kitty being the talk of Mckenzie-town, we obviously had to incorporate the sweet little bow-wearing kitty in her party decor. Luckily I had a package of balloons in my craft closet left over from last year so I picked through to find the pink and white colors as I thought they would make for the perfect backdrop. I had my husband pick up some H.K party supplies and a small bouquet of flowers from Wal-mart along with a half dozen cupcakes from "Small Cakes."We had a few gifts that my parents left behind, so I wrapped and displayed those on a card table that I dressed up with craft paper and extra balloons.
It was the perfect amount of decor that had McKenzie bright eyed and excited about her special day but didn't break the bank or add any stress on my end. By the end of the night, we had a gitty little three year old who couldn't stop talking about her Hello Kitty birf-day party and that's all the reassurance we needed, to know that she felt loved and celebrated. Without further ado, here is McKenzie's family-only 3rd Birthday Party Celebration - Hello Kitty Style!
Pink Flowers with Baby's Breather - Publix
Wooden Crates - Walmart
Craft Paper on Gift Table - Hobby Lobby
"Helly Kitty" Balloons - Publix
Pink & White Balloons - Michaels
Arrow Wrapping Paper - Michaels "Hello Kitty" Gift Wrap Accent- Googled, Printed Out & Taped to Gift.
McKenzie's Polka-dot Dress - Old Navy
"Hello Kitty"Lunch Box - BX Exchange
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