2022 was a an even crazier year for us vs the years prior if you can believe that. With so much going on in the world and within the military specifically, my husband made the tough decision to retire earlier than we originally planned to. As we began to make plans to separate from the military, my husband was accepted as a skill-bridge candidate to intern for an aerospace company in Colorado Springs area. It was a great way for military members to transition to the civilian workforce. It would be a 6 month commitment and an unknown as far as a full time hire, so my husband came up with the idea to buy and live in an RV while he finishes up his internship and secures a permanent career. With a lot of discussion and weighing the pros and cons, we decided to go for it. The one thing I was excited about was being able to get in there an attempt to make it feel more like home. We started with Haines's loft area and are slowly moving on to each room as we are able to. I hope you enjoy before and afters because we will have a lot coming your way.
This is what we were working with before. It is a nice space and would be great for traveling and/or using for a short amount of time, however, I really wanted this space to feel more like his real bedroom so I painted and and added a few things to help that vision along.
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