
Beautiful Sibling Photography Session by TG Photography By Trisha

Hello Fawn fans, do I have a darling little session for you! It is an ADORABLE trend that is trickling into the family photography arena... the "sibling" photography session. I'm a huge Pinterest fan and I just have a field day browsing through those sweet sibling-related pins. The bond between siblings is like no other. Although the relationship comes with it's ups and downs, the memories that are shared and the deep rooted love will forever be engrained in our hearts (whether some like to admit it or not).  I love the fact that these photo sessions are happening more and more as they are sweet reminders of the special bond that siblings have. Trisha Jimenez, owner and talented photographer of TG Photography By Trisha specializes in capturing these wonderful reminders in a beautiful and endearing way. On her Facebook Fan Page, Trisha used a lovely poem by Suzy Huitt to introduce her angelic "sibling" session in which she beautifully captured a loving big sister and her new precious baby brother...

"Brother and sister
together as friends,
ready to face
whatever life sends.
Joy and laughter 
or tears and strife,
holding hands tightly
as we dance through life."
~Suzy Huitt ~

I couldn't help but to include a photo of Mommy and Daddy with their sweet little bundle of joy as well. 


  1. Oh my those sibling photos are just so sweet. I can't wait to take pictures of Riggs with a little baby sibling someday! I hope he's that gentle! :)

  2. Such beautiful photos. Thanks for Sharing!


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